Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) is inviting UPM researchers to submit proposals for Project to Facilitate ICT Applications in the Asia-Pacific funded by the Extra Budgetary Contribution from the Republic of Korea (EBC-K)

The objective of the project is to facilitate development of ICT applications and its usage in APT members countries in order to increase efficiency and productivity, or to provide new economic values and benefits in the field of services or industries of APT member countries.

The proposed projects should meet the following conditions :

1) The project is to be joint research between APT Members and the Korean experts. Applicants should contact NIA (National Information Society Agency), Korea to seek consultation on preparation of project proposal.

2) The project is to be completed within 18 months from the date of notification of adoption by APT Secretariat.

3) The budget amount for the support from EBC-K for each project is up to USD 70,000. This limit does not exclude a project with a budget above that limit as long as there are other secured financial resources to finance it.

Interested members are invited to submit the proposals for this project by completing and sending the Application Form and Accounting Form, by email, 

 nurulaainaa@kkmm.gov.my (Pn. Nurul Aainaa binti Abdul Rahim, Communication Technology Department, Ministry of Communication and Multimedia Malaysia)

or  david.rowbin@kkmm.gov.my ( En. David Rowbin Communication Technology Department, Ministry of Communication and Multimedia Malaysia,  not later than 15th October 2017.

For more information, please further your questions to Mdm. Nurul Aainaa (03 8911 7521) or Mr. David Rowbin, (03-89115639).

(other attachments - Plan Project , Press Release)